1. The end of the trail leaving Soper Park (at Elgin)
2. Elgin and Myers Road
Let's do Soper Park this week.
Regroup: 1. The end of the trail leaving Soper Park (at Elgin) 2. Elgin and Myers Road
With all the rain and snow melting, I suspect we should avoid any route that tends to flood. Let's do West River Road out and back. We'll regroup at Footbridge.
This Saturday we'll run the Modified Mill Race loop.
Regroup: 1. George and Blair (~3k) 2. Bismark and Blair (~6k) This week we'll do the City Loop.
Regroup: 1. At the end of Soper park (where it meets Elgin) 2. At Canamera Happy New Year! More winter running! Let's do West River Road out and back. We'll regroup at Footbridge.
Now that it's suddenly winter, let's plan to do Soper Park this week, since it's our classic winter route.
Regroup: 1. The end of the trail leaving Soper Park (at Elgin) 2. Elgin and Myers Road This week we'll run through Churchill park and out and back on the Moffat Creek trail (just under 10km). A loop past Franklin Pond can be added at the end of the trail for those that want more distance (15km).
Regrouping Points: 1. End of Trail that runs beside Champlain Blvd (3.5km) 2. Turnaround point at of trail at Dundas St (5km) This Saturday, let's run the Riverbluffs/Rare Trail route. Options for longer runs include running in the back trails of Rare Park (add about 1km) and the Langdon loop (14km).
Regrouping points: 1. The Rare Trail parking lot (~3.5km) 2. The end of the main trail (~5km) This Saturday we'll be running the City Loop.
This Saturday, we'll be running the West River Road/Rail Trail Loop. We will regroup at Footbridge Road (~5km)