Don't forget the Cambridge YMCA Jingle Bell 5 km Race. It's being held on Sunday November 19th YMCA on Hespeler Road. A 2.5 km starts at 10 a.m. and the 5 km starts at 10:40 a.m. This event has been going on for decades using various courses until the Y moved to Hespeler Road. Now there's an out and back route with no hills to speak of. If you enter before November 12, the 5 km fee is $30. After that it goes up to $40. If you collect $50 in pledges, the fee is waived. There are 10-year age categories for prizes, as well as random door prizes. There's a good feed afterwards too.
You can enter at the YMCA main desk, pick up an entry form and mail it in, or enter online at:
You can enter at the YMCA main desk, pick up an entry form and mail it in, or enter online at: